Genicular Nerve Block
Your pain physician is trying to make a determination whether the pain in your back is coming from the facet joints. This test block is done with local anesthetics under X-ray guidance. Small doses of a local anesthetic is placed on a nerve branch. The facet joint immediately following the procedure will be numb. You will keep track of your pain on a pain diary. See instructions below.
Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to procedure
Arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled procedure time
You MUST have a driver. Your driver can stay in our waiting room when you go back into pre-op
- Masks are required in our facility. If you don’t have one, we will give you one when you arrive
- Wear loose clothing preferably without any metal buttons or zippers because of the X-ray machine.
- We ask that you shower the night before or the morning of to ensure cleanliness of the area
HOLD NSAIDs- See button for medications to hold on your right
- If you begin to show any signs or symptoms- cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or have been exposed to anyone showing symptoms or diagnosed with Covid-19, YOU MUST cancel this procedure.

- At the bottom of this page there is a pain diary. Chart every hour, for the next 6 hours, your pain rating and activity you are doing at that time.
Resume your normal activities, however NO HEAVY LIFTING OR DRIVING.
- Please do not take anything for pain for the next 5-6 hours as we need to know that it is the injection that has helped you with your pain, not your pain medications.
- The day of your procedure:
DO NOT take a bath, swim, or sit in a hot tub. Showers are okay.
DO NOT drive, operate heavy machinery, or use power tools.
DO NOT make important or legal decisions, as your judgment may be impaired.
- Notify our office immediately if you experience any:
Persistent abnormal bleeding
Fever or chills
Persistent Nausea or vomiting
Redness, swelling or any other signs of infection
Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to procedure
Arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled procedure time
You MUST have a driver. Your driver can stay in our waiting room when you go back into pre-op
- Masks are required in our facility. If you don’t have one, we will give you one when you arrive
- Wear loose clothing preferably without any metal buttons or zippers because of the X-ray machine.
- We ask that you shower the night before or the morning of to ensure cleanliness of the area
HOLD NSAIDs- See button for medications to hold on your right
- If you begin to show any signs or symptoms- cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or have been exposed to anyone showing symptoms or diagnosed with Covid-19, YOU MUST cancel this procedure.
- At the bottom of this page there is a pain diary. Chart every hour, for the next 6 hours, your pain rating and activity you are doing at that time.
Resume your normal activities, however NO HEAVY LIFTING OR DRIVING.
- Please do not take anything for pain for the next 5-6 hours as we need to know that it is the injection that has helped you with your pain, not your pain medications.
- The day of your procedure:
DO NOT take a bath, swim, or sit in a hot tub. Showers are okay.
DO NOT drive, operate heavy machinery, or use power tools.
DO NOT make important or legal decisions, as your judgment may be impaired.
- Notify our office immediately if you experience any:
Persistent abnormal bleeding
Fever or chills
Persistent Nausea or vomiting
Redness, swelling or any other signs of infection
Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to procedure
Arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled procedure time
You MUST have a driver. Your driver can stay in our waiting room when you go back into pre-op
- Masks are required in our facility. If you don’t have one, we will give you one when you arrive
- Wear loose clothing preferably without any metal buttons or zippers because of the X-ray machine.
- We ask that you shower the night before or the morning of to ensure cleanliness of the area
HOLD NSAIDs- See button for medications to hold on your right
- If you begin to show any signs or symptoms- cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or have been exposed to anyone showing symptoms or diagnosed with Covid-19, YOU MUST cancel this procedure.
- Do NOT drive or operate machinery for 24 hours
- Continue to hold anti-inflammatories until tomorrow
- You may experience a sore throat, hoarse voice, and/or droopy eyelid on the side of injection
- You may start with small sips of fluid once you can swallow without any problems, advance slowly to a regular diet
- Apply ice to the area- On for 15 minutes, off for 2 hours. (repeat every 2-3 hours as needed for pain)
- You may experience drowsiness, nausea, muscle soreness, muscle spasm, and/or increasing pain
- Resume normal activities
- Drooping eyelid
- Congestion of eye and nasal passage
- Hoarseness of voice
- Increased temperature in the hand
- Notify our office immediately if you experience any:
Persistent abnormal bleeding
Fever or chills
Persistent Nausea or vomiting
Redness, swelling or any other signs of infection
Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to procedure
Arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled procedure time
You MUST have a driver. Your driver can stay in our waiting room when you go back into pre-op
- Masks are required in our facility. If you don’t have one, we will give you one when you arrive
- Wear loose clothing preferably without any metal buttons or zippers because of the X-ray machine.
- We ask that you shower the night before or the morning of to ensure cleanliness of the area
HOLD NSAIDs- See button for medications to hold on your right
- If you begin to show any signs or symptoms- cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or have been exposed to anyone showing symptoms or diagnosed with Covid-19, YOU MUST cancel this procedure.
- Do NOT drive or operate machinery for 24 hours
- Continue to hold anti-inflammatories until tomorrow
- Apply ice to the area- On for 15 minutes, off for 2 hours. (repeat every 2-3 hours as needed for pain)
- You may experience drowsiness, nausea, muscle soreness, muscle spasm, and/or increasing pain
You may experience warmth in your leg.
- Resume normal activities
- Notify our office immediately if you experience any:
Persistent abnormal bleeding
Fever or chills
Persistent Nausea or vomiting
Redness, swelling or any other signs of infection